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Kingston Newcomers/Alumni Club.
Contact Information
1.  Must I live in Kingston?

Yes, you should be a resident of Kingston or neighbouring areas.  You should be new to the city or have experienced a lifestyle change in the last four years.  The Club promotes friendship and social activities in a welcoming, secure environment.

2.  What is the cost of membership and what period does it cover?

The annual fee is $30.00.  A member to the club who joins in February, pays a reduced fee of $20.00.  The Annual Membership fee is reviewed by the entire membership from time to time.  The annual fee covers monthly meetings from September to June.

3.  Can I try out the club before I join?

You are more than welcome to attend a meeting or two before making the final decision to join the Club.  Once you pay the membership fee, you are eligible to attend all monthly meetings and special events and to join as many of the activities offered by the Club.

4.  Can I get a refund if I don’t attend meetings?

Article 1, Section 3 (e) of the Club’s By-Laws, fees are not refundable or transferable except under extenuating circumstances and upon agreement by the Club’s Executive Committee.

5.  How is my membership fee used?

The Club is run by a volunteer Executive Committee.   The membership funds cover the rental of the meeting venue; administrative costs;  annual insurance premiums;  annual fee to the National Newcomers Association of Canada;  speakers’ fees/honorariums;  rental of venues for the Christmas Dinner and the June year-end Luncheon;  purchase door prizes for special-themed meetings;  and miscellaneous unforeseen expenses.

6.  Is there an additional fee to join one or more interest groups?

No, duly registered members can participate in as many activities as they choose.  Any member is also free to start a new activity.

7.  Do I have to host an activity?

You do not.   Some activities do take place in members’ homes and members take turn hosting.  However, a member who cannot host can talk to the “Convenor” who advises on various courses of action that have worked in these situations.

8.  How long can I be a member of the Club?

There are no limits.  You can participate for as long as you desire.  Members make concerted efforts to attract new members to keep the Club interesting and viable for years to come.

As a long-time member, Linda, proudly stated:  “I collect many things, but my most prized collection is the wonderful friends I have found in Kingston Newcomers/Alumni Club.”

There are no strangers here, only friends we have yet to meet.

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