ingston Newcomers/Alumni Club
There are no strangers here, only friends we have yet to meet.
With full payment of membership fee, sign up for any and all of the activities offered by the Club. A member can start up and be the convenor of a new activity group.

The Kingston Newcomers/Alumni Club, (KNAC) meets formally on the first Tuesday of each month, from September to May. Also, we arrange and provide a wide range of KNAC activities and special events for our members including Book Clubs; Bridge; Canasta; Coffee Morning; Golf and so much more.
Non-members may attend two meetings/activities as a registered guest.
Some monthly activities are meeting via Zoom.

Books pass by rotation monthly. Members share the cost of the books and each member keeps one book. No monthly meeting.
Monthly meeting on the 2nd Wednesday @ 7:00. Currently meeting on Zoom
Monthly meeting on the 2nd Wednesday @ 2:00 at members' homes.
Morning Discussion
Monthly meeting on the 2nd Monday @ 10:00 at members' homes.

Breakfast Clubs
Two Groups
2nd Tuesday @ 8:30.
Last Friday @ 9:30
Two Groups: 2nd & 3rd Wednesday's
Meet and greet @ 8:00, breakfast @ 8.30. One group meets in the back room of Smitty’s, 2376 Princess Street. The other group goes to a different restaurant each month

Ladies Afternoon
Every Friday at 12:50, Fee: $3.00. We play at the #560 Royal Canadian Legion at 734 Montreal Street. There is a food service available for those who like to get together for lunch.

Day and time not set, will play at member's home

Hand and Foot Canasta
1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 1:00
Lessons for newbies will be given in a private setting prior to play with other more skilled players. This is a very social game and you can expect lots of laughter. Very easy to learn for people who are not card players. Play at the Tompkins Funeral Home.

Coffee Morning
4th Wednesday @ 10:00
Monthly meeting on Zoom.

Golf Club
Every Tuesday @ 10:00, The Landings
Members play golf every week on Tuesday mornings from the beginning of May until it gets too cold. We play at The Landings course. It is a social and fun time. All skill levels are welcome. We meet at 9:45 for a 10:00 start. We make up groups randomly by picking cards. We do not give lessons, so you must know the basics, but we are not pros by any means. Many do not keep score.

Happy Appies
3rd Friday @ 6:00.
This is a mixed partner/singles/friends group that would bring an appetizer to share and your own drinks to the hosts house.
International Dinner Club
4th Thursday @ 6:00
The International Dinner Club meets at different restaurants in the Kingston area. Members take turns hosting the dinner. It is a wonderful opportunity to taste a variety of food in good company.

Lunch Out
Convenor: Mary Knuff
1st Wednesday @ noon.
Both lunch groups meet at a different restaurant each month. Members
Lunch Groups

Pot Luck Lunch / Brunch
​Convenor: Caroline Anderson-Zsolnay cjanderson.zsolnay@gmail.com
4th Wednesday @ 11:00
The idea is to allow the members to get together without going to a restaurant. The person hosting decides if they would like Brunch or lunch. Everyone brings a dish to share.

Mah Jong
Depending on the interest we may play once a week or every other week. North American style. Time and day to be determined.
Mexican Train Dominoes
Convenor: Needed
2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 1:00
At the Tompkins Funeral Home (2nd floor).

Out & About
This is a group that would meet whenever there is an event in Kingston. Some ideas of events could be craft shows, art shows, theatre, walking tours, cooking class, Wine tours, farm tours, brewery tours.

Pub Night RAXX
1st Friday @ 5:00, all year round.
We meet at 5:00 to mix and mingle, order dinner at 5:30. RAXX, 665 Development Drive. Each month, shortly before the event, the convenor sends out an email asking who will be attending. As Pub Night is popular, everyone interested in attending must R.SV.P. each month so RAXX knows how much space to reserve.
Reel Timers
3rd Tuesday of the month
We meet on Tuesday, to take advantage of cheap tickets. We will either go to the Cineplex or the Landmark theatre. Choose the matinee movie you wish to enjoy, let me know and then join us for dinner to critique the movies. This is a light, fun afternoon / evening event.

Two Groups:
One in the afternoon
One evening group.
All meet in members' homes or on Zoom.
2nd Monday @ 1:30 and 3rdd Thursday @ 7:00.
Stitch and Chat Groups

Thursday Night Out
2nd Thursday @ 5:30
Each month the group meets at a pub selected by the Convenor. This group is open to everyone, couples or singles.